Sunday, December 21, 2014

real talk

If you really knew me you would know I hate writing, but I love reading.

I love reading all your blogs.

Even though it's very intimidating.

I'll be honest (even tho it's pretty clear) I never really found my Paris.

I got close, really close actually.

but I was scared of opening up.

I don't really care what people think of me on the outside but I'm absolutely terrified of what they think of me on the inside. 

I never opened up because of this very day.

Although I didn't blog from my heart like I should have, I want to thank those who did. 

Thanks to all for being an inspiration to me.

-Olivia Lindsley

Sunday, December 14, 2014

I remember

I remember my dad pushing me what I thought was so high on the swings my butterflies were

I remember laughing so hard the pain in my stomach was excruciating.

I remember wishing with everything I had on 11:11.

I remember the snails sizzling and bubbling after pouring a spoonful of salt on them and never feeling bad about it.

I remember Halloween in 5th grade and being so frustrated with my costume coming apart after spending the whole night before putting it together. 

I remember chickening out after all my friends promised we would throw our food at the same time to start a food fight. 

I remember swearing in front of my grandma and the expression on her face looked like I shattered her heart. 
It always slips when i'm driving

I remember the first time a boy hugged me.

I remember the first time I gained courage to hug back.

I remember my out of control/crazy/scary dog running into my neighbors doggy door.

I remember my sister making me crawl in after him.

Luckily they weren't home

I remember thinking I had writers block when honestly I was just to scared of what people would think.

I remember trying to fit in.

I remember laughing at how much make up came off her face when someone tried to wipe food off her cheek for her. 

I remember the lonely days and I remember the busy ones.

I remember what it felt like to be stabbed in the back over and over again..

I remember not being able to see anything out of the clouds so I would just make up things and point randomly in the sky.

I remember when life was easy.

I remember when life was hard.

I remember my mom swearing at me for the first time and I did everything I could not to laugh cause she just threw it in her sentence and it made no sense, at all. 

I remember the old you.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Things to be afraid of:
  • Murders 
  • Cereal killers
  • Death
  • The after life
  • God
  • Loosing someone close to me
  • Debt
  • Loosing hearing or eyesight 
  • Evil spirt's
  • Life
Don't get me wrong, i'm terrified of all these things, however.. this is the list of things I would make when listing my fears.

Things IM afraid of:
  • Clowns
  • spiders
  • overdosing on 3 Advil 
  • glue
  • my shoes not matching
  • phone not working
  • talking to my bishop
  • doctors
  • dentists
  • not being good enough
  • not staying up-to-date with music
  • my kids hating me
  • my phone turning into a transformer
  • talking dogs
  • life

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting over a guy

Listen closely.. These instructions are the only ones that will help you get over a guy.

  1. Go to the gym. Let out your anger. Make a good playlist with NO love songs. 
  2. Absolutely NO just sitting at home, gives you to much time to think and reminisce 
  3. kiss a guy, soon! Doesn't matter who.
  4. Stay single for awhile. Don't go looking for another relationship anytime soon. Your feelings for the guy you're trying to get over are obviously pretty strong if you need instruction on how to get over him. Don't let all those emotions loose on another guy.
  5. You are allowed to cry anywhere from the hours of 8am to 5pm. Other than that there is no crying!
  6. Learn from the pain. Accept the fact that all guys are idiots. All of them.
  7. Live up your senior year. This is the year you will look back on for the rest of your life. Don't let this tool ruin your potential memories. 
  8. Look good. Get up a few extra minutes to get ready in the morning. Put a little more time in picking out your out fits. Try new hair styles etc.
It's time to move on with your life sista. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Not very good at it

What is hipster? Is it just wearing clothes no one else is brave enough to wear? Or reading books in a coffee shop? Maybe it's listening to indie music while driving up the canyon. To be hipster you probably have to write a lot of poems, and by that I mean putting a lot of random and rarely used words together while reading it with a different tone in your voice. If you're trying to be hipster go buy yourself a pair of un per-scribed glasses and beanies as well as a weirdly scented candle. Oh, and don't forget your chai. Maybe we are all trying a little to hard to be hipster so none of us are.. All I know is that what ever being "hipster" really means.. I am not doing very good at it.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


No matter how hard you try you cannot hide from love. Believe me, I have tried.
 It follows you until you accept it. 
The only feeling better than being in love is knowing someones in love with you. 
I don't care what anyone says about sophomores not being able to be in love. Who are you to tell them they can't be? 
At one point in your life you will love. 
Love brings happiness into your life, sadness, depression, energy, excitement and well just love.
You just have to love love.
Then again, what is love anyways.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Pet peeves


  • Loud chewers
  • Slow drivers
  • people who don't try new things
  • the sound flip flops make
  • ignorant people
  • litterbugs
  • people who snap their gum
  • braggers
  • mumbling 
  • people who take 2 hours replying to a text
  • bad breathe
  • when people tickle me
  • clicking pens
  • eating my food without my permission 
  • drinking my drink without my permission 
  • someone starts talking when I am in mid sentence 
  • fake laughter 
  • loud burps
  • the sound of silverware on a glass plate
  • snobby rich kids
  • whistling out of tune
  • etc. 

Being human.

Being human is the hardest thing.

There is so much expectations to live up to.

Expectations from your parents, friends, teachers, coaches and society. 

When you make one mistake, it sets a whole reputation.

Everyone lies and cheats, but when you do it? It's horrific and terrible.

 If you don't dress a certain way, you can't hang with us.

When you are having the worst week of your life, dont bother asking your teachers for some slack, they don't care.

So the answer is yes, I am human.

Sometimes I wish I wasn't.