Sunday, October 12, 2014

Getting over a guy

Listen closely.. These instructions are the only ones that will help you get over a guy.

  1. Go to the gym. Let out your anger. Make a good playlist with NO love songs. 
  2. Absolutely NO just sitting at home, gives you to much time to think and reminisce 
  3. kiss a guy, soon! Doesn't matter who.
  4. Stay single for awhile. Don't go looking for another relationship anytime soon. Your feelings for the guy you're trying to get over are obviously pretty strong if you need instruction on how to get over him. Don't let all those emotions loose on another guy.
  5. You are allowed to cry anywhere from the hours of 8am to 5pm. Other than that there is no crying!
  6. Learn from the pain. Accept the fact that all guys are idiots. All of them.
  7. Live up your senior year. This is the year you will look back on for the rest of your life. Don't let this tool ruin your potential memories. 
  8. Look good. Get up a few extra minutes to get ready in the morning. Put a little more time in picking out your out fits. Try new hair styles etc.
It's time to move on with your life sista. 

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